Take the angst out of meal planning and grocery shopping once and for all.

Handy Dandy Menu Maker
- Plan 2 weeks of healthy, balanced meals at once. (Yep...plan it, and forget it...for 2 entire weeks!)
- No more standing in front of an open fridge at the end of an exhausting day trying to figure what to feed the kids for dinner.
- Never again hear that annoying question, "What's for dinner?" (It's just posted right on the fridge for everyone to see!)
- Feel completely confident that the hard earned cash you are spending at the grocery store is going to give you everything you need to feed your family healthy, nutritious meals for 2 full weeks.

Fully Loaded Grocery List
- Build your shopping list directly from your 2 week menu. (Never get home from grocery shopping with nothing to eat again!)
- Built in reminders for all those pantry must-haves that you kick yourself for forgetting all the time.
- Stay within your grocery budget by only getting what you need, and know you will use.
- Keep your list in plain sight and add items as you use them up. (It's amazing when the kids start putting things on the list as they run out!)
- Quickly sort through your coupons and only bring the ones you need to the store.

All The Tools You Need To Build
A Kick Ass Single Mom Life
Sara Sherman knows what works for single moms. She raised 3 successful kids, earned 2 degrees, built a corner office career, volunteered extensively in her community and wrote the Amazon Best Selling Book: The Single Mom's Guide to Getting a Degree: How to Hit the Books, Raise the Kids, and Keep Your Sanity, all while parenting solo. Using her signature straight talk style of practical wisdom and humor Sara now teaches other single moms how to build their own kick ass life. A life where they feel in control and free to fulfill the dreams they have for themselves and their children.